Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Holy macros batman!

I'm way behind.... Three days. Now I need to rack my memory to see what I've forgotten to log....
Tuesday was not that great of a day. Some stressful things Scott and I were dealing with. I did go in the early AM before work and do some cardio, but I didn't get into ACF. My macros were still on point which was good. 
This week has been a super busy week of tans, so my schedule has been a bit all over the place. 
Wednesday was awesome. I woke up and weighed myself like I'm suppose to every morning. Down 3 pounds since Monday! 
Can this crazy counting macro thing be working?! Considering it's the first time the scale has moved in the right direction in quite a long time with many failed attempts at dieting and trying those meal replacement/cleansing programs.... I think yes! Wednesday was a great workout. I started by completing a WOD that I had missed on Tuesday  at ACF. While I did that Scott got started on a shoulder workout. 
Omg. I was so hot and red that I looked purple. Completed 7 + 5 rounds. I then joined Scott for shoulders. We did sets of 15 with 60 second rests in between. Felt amazing. That evening I struggled with dinner as I was trying to get in the rest of my daily macros and protein was an overload. I'm working on tweaking this a bit. Got to get the protein in throughout the day better. That's the awesomeness of this. I can do whatever I want as long as I hit my numbers. 
Let's see..... It's taking me so long to get through this post! On to what is now yesterday, Thursday! Weighed in with another pound down! Say what?! I LIKE this feeling! Yesterday was a super busy day of tanning appointments but I still managed to get in a great workout with Scott. We started with deadlifts, although I was frustrated that 165# was feeling heavy I still love deadlifts. We then moved on to some quick sets on the machines. We had an early dinner before I headed out for more tanning because I am trying to avoid eating late. I was pretty hungry by the time I was able to relax for the evening with Scott, and it doesn't help when Master Chef is our tv show of choice! 
Oh! Back track to Tuesday real quick! I finally accomplished a handstand! Cori and Heather have been having me try and try and try every week and FINALLY I did it. It wasn't graceful and the picture Cori took is very unflattering, but, I DID it! 
Ok, now it's Friday. I'm about to start work. Got in a quick cardio sesh on the treadmill. I'm doing this more to build up my running skills, not so much for the cardio. Between my ACF workouts and weights with Scott, I feel pretty confident that I'm getting in a decent amount of cardio. Now, I'm not enjoying these additional running sessions everyday, but I do feel a bit of an improvement as well as less pain in my calves. I'm sure this is all tied into my diet. Peeps, if you aren't seeing results, and you're working out six days a week and eating "pretty good" but totally frustrated that nothing is changing, I encourage you to get your diet on point.  Scott and I have been going hardcore in the gym for a year now, plus I added in additional workouts, started ACF and we don't even have a day off anymore, but now that we are watching what we eat, results are showing. We feel it and we see it. 
Okay, so today I will workout with Scott, he said it's a chest day and then this evening after a bunch more tanning sessions, I will hit ACF for this lovely WOD:
That's a shit load of wall balls. 
So now, I'm all caught up. I feel like I'm forgetting to share some stuff..... Kids are good. Scott is good.... Life has tough spots, but I try to think of all that I have to be thankful for. It far outweighs the bad. 
Oh! And, I fit these lovelies into my macros today! 

Just 15 pieces....but you bet I'll be savoring them through the day! I wouldn't recommend putting this in your macro count daily, but an occasional "treat" is nice! 
I'll try to put a quick blog out tonight with my WOD and workout results for the day! Happy TGIF! 

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