Friday, January 8, 2016

New Year! New You! And all that other bullsh...... GREAT Stuff!!

Happy New Year! I haven't blogged since November of last year. It's been a minute. I could try to re-cap from where I left off, but unfortunately, my memory is extremely short term. No joke. Makes me kind of wonder if I will suffer from Alzheimer someday. I'm completely baffled when other moms know exactly the time their children were born, their weight, nurses names, room they delivered in and all. I'm lucky if I can get my kids names straight.... Anyway, where was I going with this? Probably nowhere.
Here we are, a new year. 2015 is long gone. It seems like every year everyone wants to be better then they were the year before. I get it. But why not be the same badass bitch every year? There is ALWAYS room for improvement in all aspects of our lives. Every day. I can have more patience with my kids. I can put my phone down more. I can stop living beyond my means and I can eat more veggies and stop bitching about losing weight. Yes, there is always room for improvement. That doesn't mean I'm going to be better then I was last year though... Overall I am a good person, with good intentions. I have manners and bite my tongue when necessary. I'll always be sarcastic and I will always have a "suck it up, you're not dying" attitude.
Well shit. Maybe I am contradicting myself. Maybe all these things do equal to a "New Year, New YOU" since I DO want to put my phone down more (this hasn't improved yet, but it's only day eight of the new year, cut me some slack) and I DO want to budget better. Alright, alright, 2016, I'm coming for you.
So, what IS in store for myself, Scott and our children this year? It's a good thing I've taken the time to blog today. When I do this and set goals, it puts everything back in perspective and reminds me of WHY I made these goals in the first place. The kids are busy as always. School and sports. I dyed some of Gianna's hair pink and it fits her free spirit style. Potty training is in Cruz's future. Lucky little beast. Trey made the junior high basketball team. Love to watch that. I had no idea I'd be more of a basketball mom the baseball mom. Steven won first place in a free throw contest. He was the youngest, tiniest dude out there and he owned it. Baller.
Merry Christmas 2015
Scott and I have a goal to get out of debt. This clearly goes along with living within our means. Which also means, less eating out, which means more protein and veggies at home, which ties in with WEIGHT LOSS! I've done a bit better. I've made my portions smaller and been keeping up with my workouts 5-6 days a week. My appetite has shrunk some and that's a good feeling. Pretty sure this was all part of 2015's "New Year, New You"..... Scott is getting stronger and working on weight loss also. He has a goal to compete in a Powerlifiting Comp. He's got plans. He's also becoming quite skilled in his YouTube skills as well as his blog. I posted his latest video to my blog and I will ad a link to his blog as well so you can follow him. He's quite the Podcast guru and can definitely teach you a thing or two in the world of business, social media, health and fitness. Hopefully he will shave the beard back down to a goatee soon since "No Shave November" ended months ago. Ya, ya, ya, I still love him even if he looks like a lumberjack.

What else do I have going on? Well, I'll tell you something that makes my anxiety go up just thinking about it... I'll be competing in my FIRST Crossfit competition. Yikes. It is a partner competition so lucky Cori will be my partner. I have mixed emotions about this. I love that she will be by my side pushing me along, but I worry that I may hold her back from winning. She is strong in all areas where I am trying my best but not quite to her level. We DO make a good team and so I think it will be fun. Scary as shit. But fun.
I'm of course still at Give Fitness. Loving it just as much now as I have since we opened almost two years ago!! Wow. I won't be leaving there. Ever. I will be 90 years old a deadlifiting. Maybe just a PVC pipe, but I will be lifting something and caring for great grandkids of the kids I see today. Or something like that....
I purchased a new Journal on January 1st with the intentions to begin journaling everyday and using it for ideas (such as business, fitness, blogs etc.). Do you know how many times I have written in it? A big fat zero. I'll start tomorrow. Business is fabulous. Busy and a lot of the reason I have not taken the time to blog. By the end of a busy day, I just don't feel like racking my brain for words. People often think my business will slow down in the winter, but in fact, it tends to be even busier then the summer. My "winter" clients emerge because their natural summer glows have faded and some people just don't care to look like polar bears. Thank goodness for that. My regulars stay regular and you'd be surprised at the amount of peeps that take tropical vacations this time of year. I would to, if you know, I wasn't budgeting and living "within my means" yay. I have started producing my own line of exfoliating sugar scrub for my clients featuring Young Living essential oils. Yes, that's as "crafty" as I will ever get. And tracing a childs hand with crayons onto paper. That's crafty. My sugar scrub is available for purchase and made per order. All my clients deserve the freshest product. I have some other ideas related to my inTANsified business that I will share when I have more of it put together. I am excited that I recently joined forces with my hair stylist and we have put together a package to go along with "New Year, New YOU!!" For a great discounted price you can get a color, cut and style AND a full body tan. It's amazing. I highly recommend it.

Just because I like to break up my writing a bit. Here we are. Scott is having a "moment" and my eyes look tired as f**k.
But. Not for long! Do you remember prior to me starting my inTANsified business I was a kick ass presenter for Younique?! I sky rocketed to a blue presenter status (it was kind of a big deal in the Y world) but then I became so consumed with inTANsified that I lost focus of my Y biz and totally neglected it. Sad I know. But now that I have found balance in my inTANsified business, I'm back as a Y presenter and ready to reach and surpass my last status. Out of all the direct sales companies I have ever been a part of, Younique is my favorite and I love the product. Bye-Bye to these tired dark circles. I'm ready to impress you with my makeup skills.... This time around will be tougher. The company has grown tremendously and there are quite a few presenters here. I'm ready for the challenge. I'm always supportive and ready to empower other women.....but I'm also competitive and I like to see my name at the top. Tomorrow I have a bit of downtime in between a billion basketball games and will be setting a business plan up.
I love the business world. I love the fitness world.  I love motivating others. Being in business and having a passion for fitness allows me to motivate so many others. Scott and I are stopped daily and asked about all kinds of different subjects as well as our personal goals. We are thanked for being motivating and we are praised for "being real". We share our struggles, we share our victories and we never sugar coat anything. I don't have a college background. You may be able to tell in my juvenile type blogs. I don't try to sound like an expert and I don't use big words that I had to look up on how to spell them (partly fear of using the word in the wrong context and looking like a big dumb ass). I'm not perfect but I am confident in what I do. Scott and I both are. We know our flaws, some we work on and others just come with the package. It motivates US to be told that we inspired YOU!
Alright, time for me to dry my hair and relax with Scott. Last night we watched Wallace the Walrus. I believe the movie is called Husk. I don't think I was in awe and disturbed by a movie as I was that one. If you don't have at least 25 "WTF" moments while watching it, then you're doing it wrong.
Hope everyone is off to an amazing 2016. Keep being your bad ass self, just a better version then you were yesterday. Then tomorrow be better then you were today. See? Smart. No college education needed.



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