Team PRcrastinators!
Here's the honest truth. If it hadn't been a partner competition and if I hadn't paid the registration fee to compete, most likely I wouldn't have gone through with it. I would've used the excuse that I couldn't miss my kids basketball games. I remember while working out with Scott one day, telling him I didn't think I wanted to do it. Especially since box jumps and dumbbell thrusters were announced in WOD #2. This wouldn't have been new for me. To not follow through. To freak out and bail. To let my fears get the best of me. To over think and suck the fun right out of the experience. I couldn't bail on my friend. I needed to prove to myself that I could complete something. I went to bed Friday night thinking I felt sick and couldn't determine if it was actually nerves or I was coming down with something. I didn't sleep well and I woke up feeling cold and my stomach was rolling. Scott prepped me this delicious breakfast and I ate a total of four bites. He dropped me off at 7am for check in and although I felt a bit more at ease being at ACF, the nerves were still on one. When the competition finally started, the music was up and the cheering was going.... Cori and I started warming up for we were in the second heat. Everything is kind of foggy up until that point. One of our ACF coaches Sarah was our judge and that made the experience that much more fun. WOD #1 was completed better then any of our practice runs and we were so stoked. While waiting for WOD #2, I felt sick all over again. There were more challenges for me in WOD #2. My thrusters sucked but I did those damn box jumps. We completed it quicker then our practice runs again. Success!!!
ACF Competitors!
Here is the link to the full coverage that Scott recorded. He posted it to his YouTube channel tonight. He filmed some of it live on Periscope which made for poor quality when transferred, but still awesome to watch. I have to admit, when I first watched it, I got a bit emotional. I wasn't blubbering my eyes out like when I watch Toy Story 3 or Tangled, but I had to swallow the lump in my throat a bit. Some of you may be thinking, "It was just a Crossfit competition!" insert eye roll. And you're right, it was just a Crossfit competition to many. But for me, it was getting out of my comfort zone. It was me overcoming a fear. It was not letting my friend down. It was not doubting myself. It was completing something that I said I was going to do "someday". It was so much more then just a Crossfit competition to me. It was proof that you can conquer anything if you put your mind to it. I'm 36 years old and have been through more then I wish on anyone. I have managed to balance a relationship, four kids, work, my own businesses, fitness and can be tough, but it's clearly not impossible. Being told that I motivate, inspire and uplift other women is reward all in itself. I am not the warm and fuzzy type, but if anything gets me, it's knowing that I'm sending positive vibes out to women all over. I can't wait to sit down with the kids and have them check out the competition.
A Powerlifter and Crossfitter
Scott spent the whole day at ACF with us. In the video you can clearly hear him cheering us on and I know when he and I were making eye contact. To have him there supporting me meant the world to me. Although we workout together we don't always see eye to eye in the fitness world. This morning he said something to me that I wasn't expecting and meant more then I think he realized. A couple months ago I canceled my ACF membership for a couple different reasons. Life had gotten a bit crazy and finances. I sadly canceled to help better our financial situation. Obviously I workout at Give but there is just something about being in the box. Anyway, life moved on and I knew my decision to cancel was for the better. This morning he told me that he thinks I should join ACF again. He could see my passion for it and how much I love being there and a part of the ACF family. He enjoyed being at the event and between me doing Crossfit and his future in Powerlifting competitions, we see many events in the future. I am so excited. Of course I had to share the exciting news with Cori!! This competition opened up so many doors for me and to have Scott by my side cheering me on will make it all possible. He and I have goals, some that we haven't even shared with our closest friends and family. But everyday we get a little closer to reaching these goals. We have a vision and behind that vision is determination. Everything we do has a purpose. We have started making connections and putting ideas that we have written in countless notebooks into play. Some think we put our whole lives on social media....but have NO idea what we haven't shared yet....and you know what is helping us get there? Being ourselves. People are seeing that we are genuine. We have struggles. We have victories and we have failures. We make it work with children and we find a balance. We do it all together. Now don't me wrong, we have our time apart as well, but people are learning who we are as a TEAM. And we have big plans.
This is a screenshot from the Periscope video
My first competition is in the books. I'll say it again. What an amazing and awesome experience. I can't thank Cori enough for being the most wonderful partner! I am so thankful for our friendship, true friends are hard to come by and you're as true as they come! Thank you ACF coaches for believing in me! I'll be back at ACF soon! Thank you babe for supporting my passion and encouraging me to go back. And to all the competitors, congratulations!! SLO County Games 2016, mission accomplished!!!!
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