Sunday, April 10, 2016

Because Entrepreneur-Mom Life.

Holy tan lines, makeup, kids, bodybuilding, girlfriend, carb cycling, working, entrepreneur-mom LIFE!!! I haven't blogged since January!! Time flies when you're busy a f**k and loving life...well, most of the time. I don't even know where to begin to bring you up to speed. This could turn out to be really long, or rushed and brief. In my case, probably long and full rambling.
Kids are awesome, busy with school and sports. I've been so busy that I've actually had to sacrifice attending a few games. I definitely don't like having to do that and some people think that living the entrepreneur life means making your own hours, which IS true, but when you're building a business and you're a one man show, sacrifices need to be made. Of course my kids are my priority, they are my "WHY" of my success, but that doesn't mean that I don't ever miss out on something involving them. As long as we communicate and they know I'm proud of them and support them, then I don't feel guilty missing a game or two.

My oldest son Trey and I went to a "Reality Tour" for teenagers and parents to experience "real" situations of students using and over dosing on drugs as well as become educated on what is bad in this area. The best part of the night was the hour and a half we sat in Denny's together and talked about life. I am proud of this young man....

Gianna is doing a great job on the softball field, primarily playing catcher and pitcher. She is also playing on a club basketball team doin' work! Steven is Steven. Small but mighty little baller. 
And the Beasty Baby. Growing up so fast and keeping us on our toes 24/7. If he had been my first born, he may have been my only born! He's definitely in the ranks for cutest toddler award though. F bombs and all......
Let's catch up on my fitness plan. There isn't one. You're all caught up. Okay, for real, I don't have any competitions or huge goals right now. Ultimately, weight loss and muscle gains. That may sound a bit confusing, but I'd like to shed about 10 pounds but continue to build up the muscle. I've upped my cardio and I'm about to start week two of my carb cycling challenge. Those two things combined are super fun. Not. Scott and I have a mini day trip to our favorite place in just 20 days from today. we are determined to stick to our healthy eating until then! Because when we get there, it Cheesecake Factory, Carthay Circle, churros, dole whips, roasted corn...what am I missing babe??  And then it's about swimsuit season, which I don't typically think much about, but I was invited to a bachelorette weekend in Santa Barbara with a bunch of 20 something young babes.... I'd like to not wear a tent while chillen' at the beach. My training consists of two days high intensity early AM workouts, four days lifting with Scott and an additional 30 minute cardio sesh on a mid week "off day". Seems to be working. I haven't returned to the Crossfit scene since my competition.... I don't really have a reason why. When I'm in the moment I love it. LOVE it. But I truly enjoy my workouts with Scott and doing more power lifting type workouts. I seriously go back and forth on what to do. Right now I am pretty content with what I'm doing, but maybe I'll still go back.....

Mine and Scott's workouts together haven't been quite as consistent as they use to be, but hopefully this week we get back on track!
In March my work Give Fitness, celebrated its two year anniversary! Two awesome years! Shown here with us are our new friends that we have gotten to know thanks to Give. You can even listen to an up close and person interview on Scott's podacast, Fathom with O'Farrell with Brad Daughtry shown in the picture with his badass wife Becky.
Have to share a pic of me and my PIC cuz we da' (insert poop emoji)! Do you ever wonder how you survived life with out that ONE friend sometimes?? 
Some photo booth fun with my man beast. Last year at this time he was so sick! We ended up in the ER the next morning. Luckily, he survived and made it another year so he could celebrate. We are a team to be reckon out! 
Scott has been working hard on bringing his thoughts, ideas and goals a reality. Last month 
Redbash Media was created. It's a huge variety of everything. Business, humor, fitness, much and something for everyone. inTANsified was featured as the first business of the month as well as I got to do my first podcast interview. Go listen and hear about how I was once just a G living the "thug life". He's got big plans and with more followers and support, the more Redbash grows! I'm excited for him. Make goals, kill them and then make some more. 
I don't drink coffee. I drink chai. But I'm all about that quote even though its poor quality. I couldn't find a better version. "Do what you love, love what you do" I've been using a similar hashtag for that since I became a Younique presenter AND launched inTANsified two years ago! I do what I want and what I love every single day. Who knew my little mobile spray tanning business would evolve to where it is today. Let me show you.....

OMG. YES! This is inTANsifieds new location. I am now spray tanning out of Mod Studio in downtown Paso Robles. And know what it even more amazing?! All those pictures is ALL inTANsified! Talk about kick ass tanning parties! Champagne, music and tanning....we have a good time. Originally I had  no intentions of going away from my mobile business, this was just to have a nice location for my clients that preferred to come to me instead of bringing them to my converted "studio" which needed a lot of work. But once I announced that I had an actual studio location, my business began to sky rocket. Talk about not being prepared for the amazing response I received! I actually thought having a studio may hurt my business, and I couldn't have been more wrong. What went from a "occasional on the side" location has turned into a full time business. I averaged 5-9 tans per day as a mobile business, factoring in traveling time, set up and take down and chatting with my clients. I have now more then doubled my per day average.  I DO continue to offer mobile services and I have my VIP clients that have been mobile since day one but 80% of my business is out of Mod. I am still in awe everyday when I walk in and look around.... This is where my little business has gotten me. I only launched there in March but have hosted numerous tan parties there as well as a full on photo shoot with some of my lovely clients turned friends. My clients. They are golden to me. no pun intended haha. I would not be where I am at without them. Of course I couldn't be successful without Scott's support and help, it takes both of us to work together to hold our village together. But my clients, I've been through so much with them... weddings, babies, sad times, happy times, breakups, engagements, body transformations....when I see them share pictures of their weddings, engagement photos, maternity, fitness....whatever it may be... I'm like a proud mom every time. The smile of confidence that I assisted in putting there...that is what this is all about. I've turned my passion of making others feel better about themselves into a career. All the late hours and long days aren't work when you love what you do...

From photo shoot day at the studio! So much fun, boobs and laughter!

My new makeup business logo. I am in LOVE with it. I'm going to focus my next blog on Makeup Beast because when I get started talking about it, it can end up just as long as my inTANsified chat! We could be here all night! 

And my inTANsified logo. Pretty sick. I love the red script. Sums up my passion in three simple words.

Always hustling. My list grows daily with new ideas for both inTANsified and Makeup Beast. Going out and beyond this central coast living....the sky it truly the limit. I am anxiously getting some of my new ventures started, my expectations for my businesses are limitless. Combined with Scott's expectations for Redbash Media....and we haven't even shared our goals and plans for what we have on our plates for our future with you yet. You think we put our whole lives on social media but you have no idea. You may think we post too much, but you haven't seen nothing yet. 2016 is only four months in and its been an amazing year so far. No doubt it's had it's ups and downs, not joke that some days I felt completely overwhelmed, which is not a common feeling for me, nor a feeling I care to have ever, but I can't complain. We aren't where we want to be just yet, but every day we work hard and move a step closer to the big picture. Being an entrepreneur is about ups and downs, struggles and accomplishments, failures and successes. You can't please everyone and there will always be haters trying to ridicule you and bring you down. If you can't tune that out and focus on YOU and your business, then you won't be successful and you will waste a lot of time consumed with something you can't control. Be classy.

I follow so many other women and men entrepreneurs in business, fitness and motivational speaking here locally as well as globally. They deal with haters on the daily and it doesn't phase them or what they are doing in the business world. I admire that and I learn from that and it truly makes for a more positive and uplifting way of life.

This is a hashtag on almost everyone one of my posts. I've done what I wanted since I was a kid and I still do what I want now. Take it or leave it. Love me or hate me. Or at least like me....haha Soooooo...that is life in a nutshell right now. A very big nutshell. I'm going to TRY and stay up on my blogging game again. At LEAST 1-2 times a week. I've said daily before, but that turned out to be quite unrealistic. 1-2 times a weeks seems do able. We shall see.....
On THAT note my peeps......

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