Is it possible to have a passion for two different things? Different, yet kind of the same? It's no secret that my current "obsession" as some might call it, is CrossFit. I've been a member at Atascadero CrossFit for a couple months now and although I still get anxiety before each WOD, the adrenaline rush I get when I complete it is still there. I may be looking like I'm about to pass out and die but really, the adrenaline and feeling of accomplishment is there.
Prior to my CrossFit addiction, Scott and I were doing more bodybuilding. Focusing on certain muscle groups each day. And you know what? I love it also. I loved each week, watching in the mirror, seeing changes, more definition in my muscles and being able to lift heavier. Since focusing more on CrossFit I noticed gaining strength in some areas, but loosing it in others. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed.
So, I decided to try and do both, Two workouts a day, seven days a week. Weights with Scott every afternoon, followed by CrossFit in the evening. I wanted to continue to make those gains with Scott, but still kill it at the box. I was making this work. I wasn't feeling too fatigued or sore, so there must be no problem with it right?
I suppose the double workouts with no days off began to catch up with me. Low weight was feeling extremely heavy and past PR's couldn't be hit, let alone make new ones. Apparently my body was trying to tell me something. When I spoke up on social media about my frustrations and not being able to hit a new deadlift PR one of my CrossFit coaches stepped in and basically told me that I NEEDED to let my body have recovery days and that one CrossFit workout a day is plenty. Ugh.
As someone that 95% of the time wants to "give it her all" (sometimes I just want to lay around and do nothing, even at the gym), the idea of cutting back sucked. On top of that, having to decide, CrossFit or weights? The thing is, I love lifting with Scott. It's been our "thing" that we've been doing together for over a year now. One hour out of the day that we leave the kids and do something that we are both passionate about. Together. The idea of giving that up, actually really bummed me out. We had a mini getaway together last week. We did a quick overnight trip to Disneyland. The way things worked out we ended having FOUR days off from working out. On Monday we hit the gym together but didn't go too hardcore after that long break and horrible eating. My mind actually started leaning towards getting back into focusing primarily on bodybuilding again. But. Then I went to CrossFit on Tuesday and my passion for it all came rushing back. Sure, farmer carries with 35# kettlebells up a hill three times hardly sounds like a blast, but man, it was. The determination I feel once that WOD gets going.... I can't give this up. I love it way too much.
Seriously. I could go on and on about why I love it so much. But now, here I am, pondering on "what do I do?" How do I make my passion for both bodybuilding and CrossFit work? How do I work my schedule out? I've figured out my days off, (Sunday, family relax day and Thursday, crazy insane tanning appointment day) but how do I balance CrossFit and weight training with Scott? I don't want to give up either. Right now I'm thinking three days CrossFit and two days weights, never less then three days CrossFit (partly because I'm a paying member haha! My gym membership is free as I'm an employee there).
This is my first week doing this. I've been battling a lingering shitty headache that is making me not want to train at either place, but I'm still pushing through. No excuses.
I'm the queen of doubting myself. Especially when it comes to CrossFit. Thats why I know I love it, because I still keep going back for more. I've also failed in life. Many times. I could blog about it someday. Going all the way back to when I was just a G throwing around gang signs thinking I was a bad ass. All the way to the current. The most happy, healthy and stable that I've ever been. Yet, still a stressed out freak daily. Failure seems like such a harsh word. I look at my "failures" as learning experiences. I can take something from every single one of them.
I wish I had found my calling at a younger age. I think of where I could be now if I had started this in my earlier 20's. Not mid 30's. I've never found something that doesn't bore me after a short period of time. Jobs, cars, homes, cell phones....luckily not my children haha! But finally. FINALLY I am content with everything in my life. My relationship (it's far from perfect, and we struggle, but we push through and try to focus on the positives in our relationship), my job, my business and the fact that I have TWO places to train is way cool. I hope to move into a bigger home someday and I'd like to have a second vehicle for our family again soon and of course I'd love to be more financially stable, but in time, we will get there. I truly believe that living a healthier lifestyle helps me have a healthier more positive outlook on life. No situation has to be permanent. If you don't like something, then do something. I need to apply this to my "healthy" eating.
I started this blog yesterday afternoon and since then completed another WOD. Squat snatches make me so frustrated. Anything with "clean" or "snatch" in it when referring to CrossFit make me want to punch myself in the throat!! And after a WOD full of them and pistols, my legs and ass are done for today. I loooooove it. I have so much work to do when it comes to my form and mechanics in CrossFit and I could easily just say screw this and stick with straight bodybuilding, but I'm liking this new challenge in my life. I don't challenge myself enough. I live pretty simple and go with the flow of life. CrossFit is hard for me, and I thrive on the idea of getting better every day that passes.
This is so true on so many different levels. Although this blog may be primarily focused on my struggle between pursuing CrossFit or bodybuilding, it can relate to so many aspects in our lives. I find myself in "dead last" on a regular basis in CrossFit. Normally, that would stress me out and make me extremely self conscious. Not in this case, having people there cheering me on and telling me not to give up is what I need. I find myself pushing myself harder when I hear "You got this Jamie!" "Don't let go Jamie!" "Two more reps Jamie!" Outside of the CrossFit lifestyle I have my cheering squad at home. I've Scott in my corner letting me know, "It's been a record day of tans, can't wait until you're home relaxing with me" while he's preparing dinner for a family of six. I've got three older kids that ask me how my workouts are and how my tanning business is going. That understand my busy life is better our home life. They know Mom wants to get strong and compete someday. I love that they see what hard work and dedication is between Scott and I at home. I have my few close friends that I can confide in, one in particular that in a short time has become one of my best friends and the one that I can thank for making my ass get out of my comfort zone and try CrossFit! I have my sister who doesn't really understand my passions, but supports me and lets my parents know (who don't understand my "obsession" to get fit and strong at ALL) that I'm happy and that's all that matters, and they still love me haha! You NEED a support system behind you to be successful.
This goes hand in hand with everything. Be yourself. Don't try to fit in with certain groups by becoming them. Have your own style. Have your own passions. When you try too hard to be someone or something you're not, well, most people can see right through that. Set goals, kill them and then set some more. When you hit your goals, be proud, but never act like you're better then someone else. Because well, you're not. No matter how you live, what your background is, what your beliefs are, you're not better then the person sitting next to you. Unless they are a mass murdering psycho. Then you might be better then them. You get my point though. Everyone is fighting a battle of some sort. Everyone has goals. Everyone has dreams. No need to be a resting bitch face all the time. Even if you're a CrossFit hater. I still want good things for you......
Now, it's been a WHOLE WEEK since I started this blog. Going back and reading it almost deleted it and started over. I decided to leave it. I don't like when that many days go by. I can tell in some areas I was trying to rush and get it done so it sounds like rambling. I ramble a lot though, so I guess it's just me being real...
I've done my days off, I've had good eating days and shitty eating days. Surprisingly I'm down another pound despite the Disneyland trip and so-so eating. I can't remember all my workouts but one WOD in particular that I remember because I am disappointed in myself for not pushing myself a bit more. It was back squats. Go heavy for three and then rest for like 10 rounds or something....I could've gone heavier and I didn't. And then a couple days later at Give I worked on my squats and was able to go 30 pounds heavier then I did for the WOD. That's me still being "safe" and in the comfort zone. On top of that was handstand walks. No bueno. I'd rather box jump haha! But, I am officially on the Goal Board:
There I am, right there on the bottom. Kick into handstand by 12/1. Yikes, I didn't even write it. Coach Sarah did, so it makes it even more legit. I'm scared. I don't know why kicking up into a handstand scares me so bad, but it does. I've been able to kick up against the wall but only a couple times. That scares me also. Soooo I definitely have my work cut out for me to reach this goal by 12/1. And. That's a wrap for this blog.