Love that. I'd like to say I am a "No Excuses Mom" but that would be a blatant lie. Sure, when it comes to hitting the gym six days week, excuses are never necessary. I show up with Scott and do work. People ALWAYS ask, "How do you DO it?" It's all about making the time. Not finding it. We all are given the same 24 hours in a day. It's what you do with those hours that make you or break you. When I hear: "I'm too busy" "I work full time" "I'm a mom" "I'm too tired" "I don't have the money" and one excuse that I find ridiculous but also sad, "my husband/boyfriend doesn't want me to get manly" I have to smile and then give them MY reply, since they DID ask "How DO you do it?" Some days my day starts at 4am. Not by choice but the baby tends to have shitty sleep nights and wakes up. When he does this, there is no going back to sleep for me. My mind instantly starts going and I starting thinking about everything and anything. I don't go to bed until 10-11pm. Yes, I can be exhausted some days, but it's never an excuse. I may not work full time hours at the gym but I put in tanning hours for inTANsified as well. I'm a mom of four, ages 12 years to 15 months. Three of them play every sport that seem to overlap each other. Scott and I are on a strict budget as we work on launching our apparel line and although I get free membership for working at the gym, we always budget for that extra $20 a month to cover Scott's membership. Fitness is important to us and we enjoy it and so that is one "luxury" as some may call it, that we are not willing to give up. Having no money isn't an excuse though, there are plenty of playgrounds, trails, home workouts and other options that can be FREE for people on a budget that want to be active. As for the unsupportive significant other......obviously I don't have that problem, but for those of you that do, it's time to put your foot down and take care of you. If they love you, they'll support you.
No matter what, I find the time to get my workout in. Whether it be 30 minutes or two hours, it gets done. Some days are tougher than others to get through it. I have days that I feel weak and get frustrated. I have days that going home and laying on the couch sounds way more appealing then hitting the gym. I can honestly say, once I'm there and getting it, I feel 100% better and happy that I didn't make an excuse and not go. The dedication is paying off because results are showing. I'm seeing it. Scott sees it. My friends and family see it and best of all, complete strangers are seeing it. Why is that the best of all? Because if someone that doesn't know you compliments you on being "physically fit" it tells you "WOW! Results ARE showing!" I'm sure some of you may think that my children are not my priority and what are they doing while I get my workouts in. It's all about balancing your day peeps. I take my kids to school, I pick them up, we have dinner together as a family, I never miss any of their sporting events, we are home together as a family. Some days we go to the gym together or they go to visit the grandparents. The ONLY thing I haven't been able to balance is more time to study for my NASM certification test. Studying is hard for me. If it's late, my mind does wander and I get sleepy, so I need to find time in the morning or midday to get an hour or more of that in.
Now. Let me share with you where my excuses are always made. In the kitchen. My "reasons" aka EXCUSES of WHY we should just have pizza for dinner or WHY I deserve some Ben and Jerry's at the end of the day. Let me tell you, the struggle is no doubt, 100% real for me. I've touched on this numerous times throughout my blog posts. I have to admit though, it absolutely kills me to think of where I could be at right now if my diet had stayed on point since when I started my fitness competition training back in July. My goal month was February. Just two days from now. TWO DAYS. The time passed and I could be freaking shredded right now and getting ready to hit the stage. Sadly, this body is not even close to stage ready. And I have no one to blame but myself and my excuses. The whole mind set of "food is my fuel, not my reward" just isn't working for me. Every single day I tell myself "This is IT! No more bad foods!" I'm still doing great all day until dinner rolls around. Then it's excuse city. This past week our sink had been broken so its "too hard to cook because there is no where to wash the dishes...." mind you, we have a dishwasher and although it's a bit more trouble we can wash some stuff in the bathroom sink... Sushi and pizza have been quite popular on the menu this week. The sink will be fixed tomorrow and we are actually really relieved as eating out is getting old. Not to mention a bit pricey. If I could be as dedicated to my diet as I am the gym, I will be stage ready by April/May. I want to be. I will be. I'll show you. No excuses.
So, I am still learning how to attach videos to my blog, but here is one I already blasted all over social media! What can I was a proud moment in my world...check it out!
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