Tuesday, March 17, 2015

To compete or not to compete.

That is the decision I struggle with. I decided back in July of last year that I wanted to compete in a fitness competition. My goal date had been February of this year. Clearly February has come and gone and this bod is in no way ready to walk on a stage. This "no excuse" mom has made only ONE excuse as to why I am not competition ready. Diet. If you follow me, you already know this is a constant struggle. My diet can be on point all day long. All the way up until dinner time. That is when the cravings kick in and the "Oh we worked out hard today, we can have pizza!" excuses start. The thing is, we workout hard every day, and so that excuse is used daily. More nights than not, dinner is followed with Ben and Jerry's (because the day was a bit stressful and I deserve ice cream) and then the guilt kicks in along with "THIS IS THE LAST NIGHT WE DO THIS" when who are we kidding...tomorrow will be the same.
For real. This is what is feels like. On the plus side, I am getting stronger and the muscle definition is starting to show....well, every where but my tummy! I can't blame it on "just having a baby" since he is now a year and a half old. The thing is I love the idea of competing, in fact Scott and I have discussed doing it together. He's got the ideal bodybuilding physique but we can both stand to shed some pounds. The oreos, pizza and ice cream like to stick right in our mid sections. Our two favorite things to do together is work out and eat....oh and go to Disneyland which is kind of the same, since we walk A LOT when we are there so its cardio and we love to eat dole whip while we're there...sooo there you go. Workout and food. Why is this such a struggle? I have no idea. Why, if I want to compete so bad can't I just stick to my diet? Here's where my thoughts are at. I LOVE food. I enjoy discussing with Scott what we should do for dinner. I love thinking about where we can go for our next date night. Now, we don't do super fast food like Taco Bell and McDonalds. Probably the worst we eat is pizza and dessert almost every night. During the day is clean eating with an occasional snack here and there, but seldom because we are so busy we don't think about food as much. Sushi could be dinner every night if it wasn't so expensive. Life is so short. Do I REALLY want to deprive myself of something that makes me so happy?? My die hard fitness freak friends and followers are probably shaking your head thinking "Seriously?! You can't give it up for even just a few months?!" Apparently not! If diet came as easy to me as working out, then I already would have competed!

Right? The struggle is REAL! To compete or not to compete? I know what I WANT to do, but I need to get in the right mind frame. I need to say "F*ck it! I WILL survive without ice cream and pizza!" But why does it all have to be SO damn good. I need to ponder on this some more. I like the changes I'm seeing in my body. My confidence is going up and I'm feeling so much better about myself. I know by cutting the remaining junk from my diet will help me lose those remaining stubborn pounds and the muscle definition will become that much more defined....but am I ready to cut out some of my favorite things? Or just continue doing what I'm doing? I don't know.... ugh.
While on the subject of competing though, here is an article that I found helpful for anyone that is confused with each class there is in a competition. http://getfoxfit.com/2013/12/12/types-and-breakdown-of-womens-bodybuilding-contest-divisions/
I for one will NOT be competing in the fitness class as that requires a full on performance to music. Um no thank you. Originally I was considering bikini but if I really do go for it, I'd like to compete in
Figure or Physique. I know, from not knowing if I want to compete at all to competing in Figure or Physique! No doubt that my diet will need to be ON POINT seriously hard core. 
Well, Scott and I are just about at the gym to hit legs. I have some thinking to do and decisions need to be made because goal stage dates need to be set if this is going to happen! I'll think about it tonight...or tomorrow after I enjoy my St. Party's Day dinner with my family of corned beef and cabbage made for us by Gram!! 
What? No excuses! Haha 


Yes. Yes I do. 

I'd like to replace cake with pizza, ice cream and sushi....right babe? ;) haha 

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