Monday, April 27, 2015

Going against everything Scott and I have represented......

So. If you've been following me, you know I've always struggled with my diet. February came and went and that had been my goal month to compete. Since then I have had a constant battle of getting back on the wagon and then falling off again. It's a vicious cycle. Lately I feel like I have been doing better, but not totally on point. I love food. It's my happy place. But, I want to loose weight. Pizza and Ben and Jerrys are not helping me in this situation. I go back and forth with "I want to compete" to "Screw this, I'll never compete. Bring on the food!" Competing isn't even on the table right now. Losing some weight is. For some reason I'm getting heavier, not lighter. Yes, I HAVE put on muscle mass, I know this. I have NOT put on muscle mass in my face and stomach. That's just Ben and Jerry's leaving their mark I guess. What I can't understand is that in the last year my workouts have gotten more intense and my eating HAS gotten better, it truly has, but in reflecting back to pictures over the last year, I've gained a chin and a flat tire or two..... I'm completely frustrated. Wtf man?! On top of that, I can't sleep worth shit, so that is definitely NOT helping either.
Here we are, day eight of a 12 week challenge Scott started us on. Just seeing how dedicated we can be. Of course five days in was his birthday and we were in San Fran, so clearly that day doesn't count! Haha But for the most part, we've done pretty good. I know it hasn't truly been enough time to expect results but I've decided to try something he and I have said we would never do. A cleanse through one of those direct sales companies. Tonight I experienced my first shake and tomorrow will be my first official DAY ONE. I tried t get Scott to try with me. He said absolutely not. I do feel bad, as though I betrayed him, but he's not mad. I don't know how supportive he is, but he lets me do my thing. I just want SOMETHING to work. The friend that I am doing this through is a total sweetheart and she knows how myself and especially Scott feels about these types of things....I'm hoping she makes a believer out of me! We shall see..... I may get some flack from some of you, I'm prepared for that, but let's just see what happens... I plan to take before pics tomorrow and track my progress. Let's do this......

In the meantime, Scott and I have both started YouTube Channels! Here is the link to mine: Jamie Fasano Please take a minute to check it out and subscribe! Nothing fancy, just me rambling, workouts and music all done from my fancy phone app! Haha
Here is Scott's channel that will have a new video every Sunday from the week prior of our challenge. Here is his first video, its pretty awesome for his first one! goes nothing!! Wish me luck.....or not!!! Haha

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