Monday, August 24, 2015

Comfort Zone. Get out of it.

Comfort zone. We all have one. I thought getting into weight lifting was getting out of my comfort zone of half ass workouts that didn't even cause me to break a sweat. Scott remembers those days, don't ya?! When I'd spend more time chatting with you at the KCF (Kennedy Club Fitness not Kentucky Fried Chicken) front counter then actually working out? (For those of you that don't know, I meant Scott when HE worked at a gym haha!). I thought because I was no longer intimidated to throw free weights around and load my own barbell that I was getting out of my comfort zone. I guess it has....but I still always have the comfort (most of the time) of Scott being by my side, pushing me along and guiding me. 

I truly know how it feels to get out of your comfort zone and do something that scares the shit out of you. CrossFit you have proved to be the scariest yet most exhilarating thing I have yet experienced. I'm doing something that I don't know much about (I thought I did, but really, I don't) I'm walking into the ACF Box not really knowing anyone (unless my PIC, CrossFit buddy Cori is with me) and I'm doing things I normally wouldn't do. Like run. I'm not a runner. I've always despised running. Yet today, nervous as hell...I went to ACF to complete a WOD that didn't freak me out too much but I never know what the warm up, yes Warm UP has in store. The warm ups sometimes are as intense as my normal workouts! Anddddd there was medicine ball cleans and running in the warm up. Ughhhhh but I did it. And then I completed the WOD. Wall balls and deadlifts. Everyone knows I love deadlifts, and I learned to change up my form a bit. I went heavier on the wall balls, and that made me happy. 
Sooooo do like me. Get out of your comfort zone. Like for real! If it doesn't scare the shit out of you, then it's not out of your comfort zone. I get scared every day when I walk into ACF. But it's a great feeling once I get going and such an accomplishment when I'm done. No longer do I care if I come in last or lift the least. I'm doing work and it feels awesome. 

I also got in my daily workout with Scott. Pause squats, push press and once again working on my power cleans. I love that we are working out side by side but not necessarily doing the same thing. He did deadlifts but he knew I was doing them later at ACF. We have goals, and even though they are different we are reaching them together.....

As for food blog... We are getting ready to watch Fear the Walking Dead and so I don't feel like racking my brain of the "healthy" stuff I ate today. No, we didn't make it to the store, so food was not on point. We did talk menu though and we discussed my nutrition issues a bit at CrossFit today as well. Tomorrow. Tomorrow is a new day.... ;) 

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